Monday, January 17, 2011

Food Environmental Shift

Food Environmental Shift

There are countless childhood obesity action plans and many have integrity and dignity built in. There are several that continue to want to make the issue of childhood obesity simple. The issue is extremely complex and to label the obesity crisis as very basic , we miss the mark. However, children continue to get the message and that message is wrapped in bullying. It distorts the real environmental food issue and fails to reach the core component. Blaming and Lifestyle are the greatest barriers that continue to block the obesity conversation. Childhood obesity needs a full on investigation and I am calling for a national debate on obesity. The diet and exercise solution needs an overhaul and I think the Shared Accountability Model is ready for a challenge.

The weight loss industry continues to promise the magic solution and we keep measuring the individual. By all acounts I am a morbidly obese person, and each day I attempt to build a healthy balanced food relationship.I doubt I will become smarter ,or more attractive, if I drop a few pounds. Obesity is a by product and it has many factors. The failure rates on diets is about 95% , but who is the failure? The diets and exercise message needs an overhaul, and perhaps weight loss programs could become certified by a federal health agency.The messages related to weight loss claims are quite a stretch, otherwise we would only have a few programs and I dare say a lot less obesity.

I want to dedicate this paragraph to you, the reader. Together, we can inspire the conversation about childhood obesity.I want to invite you to send your feedback to this writer in a number of ways . Many have been using the Lake Superior page on Facebook, and I assure the feedback is most welcomed.My message is very basic ,and that includes acceptance, because obese children are not the enemy. They represent our future and bashing them needs to be challenged .We are feeding unhealthy food relationships in our young children,because they continue to be devalued. Obesity is a by product .

Here are a few ideas on childhood obesity. Restructure our grocery stores so that junk food is prominantly placed at the back of the store. We could see the removal of all candied items from the final sale till, thus creating Family Friendly food check outs.How bout supporting corner stores to provide affordable fresh produce for the consumer.Could we see lower priced fruits and vegetables?I would ask the giants of the food industry to take a seat and join this effort, afterall, these children are your customers. Is it possible to address junk food advertising directed at children under 18? Finally, any program that is long on funding , but short on integrity and dignity needs an overhaul. The issue of childhood obesity is gigantic, and I find it unacceptable to see this complex problem downloaded onto a child.I agree we have an activity crisis, and some of these heavily funded programs need to get moving on new ideas and new concepts.

The time for action is upon us and it must be created with Integrity and Dignity. The tired old activity failing model needs a partner and a cleansing. Bashing the obese child needs to be challenged and an open free flowing discussion could start the process.Childhood obesity is our crisis and ignorring it is a recipie for disaster to individuals and our health care system. Perhaps we can begin to unravel the complex double dealing messages that are routed in blame. Lifestyle and healthy active living , eating right are staples in the news today. The underbelly of this message of eating right is the implied belief of eating wrong. As a child of poverty I did not eat for taste, or texture. I ate because I was hungry ,and many children are filling up to stave off hunger pains. Our efforts need to be clear and concise and blaming with the lifestyle message needs to be challenged.

Your feedback is most welcomed.

Paul Murphy For
Lake Superior News

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