Saturday, January 22, 2011

Diets and Exercise on Life Support

                                     Diets and Exercise Model
    The current model that has bee addressing obesity was hit this week by a large Walmart truck. It appears the giant retailer has been paying close attention to the  many that have been calling for sweeping changes to the current broken down model.

    The simple fact remains that  we do have a crisis and we have been funding programs  that were suppose to address the obesity issue. Our current model has the numbers to go with it,and the failure is staggering, but we continue to pour money into these  programs.Many governments are in lock step with the food giants ,and I dare say our media  has been having a most difficult time getting active.
    Who  is funding the Inactivity Crisis? Why ? The time for real action is upon us  and I want  to invite you, the reader , to join the Biggest Loser Discussion. For years the obesity issue landed squarely onto the individual, and now that a Giant Retailer has  stepped in  all is about to shift. Blaming the individual for the food related obesity crisis makes no sense, unless your goal is to distort the reality of the situation.
   We are standing by as the Inactivity Model continues to foster more and more Eating Disorders  in our children,maybe your child as well. Obese people have been the target , and thanks to Walmart ,they are no longer isolated.Bullies  operate  the same way ,and it is time for us to demand our media to get up off of the couch potato myth,or inactivity  crisis. After all, obese people are not the enemy, they represent the data related to our Diet and Exercise Plan, which has been great for the obesity,weight loss industry.  is a model that is trying to ignite a Big Fat Lazy Lifestyle Biggest Loser Conversation.The model is called Shared Accountability ,and it is free to explore and access. It adds a transfusion to the Diet and Exercise plan and that is Environment. Please find time to explore the free site , and post your ideas and feedback.


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